Gender Responsive Humanitarian & Assistance

Gender Responsive Humanitarian & Assistance

Strengthened inclusion of Dalit and Dalit women in decision making and enhanced access to state resources, services and opportunities at all levels.

FEDO believes that disaster itself does not discriminate based on caste, gender, or any other grounds, but it can exacerbate pre-existing gender inequalities and might lead to increased discrimination, exploitation and violence against women. Therefore, FEDO advocates and promotes gender responsive humanitarian actions. It prepares its team and execute actions for ensuring women friendly disaster relief packages. Its facilitation enables Dalit and marginalized women to access disaster transfer schemes such as cash transfers which finally link them to disaster management systems. The monitoring initiatives minimize gender and caste biases in disaster response, relief and recovery services of concerned agencies. It also contributes to decrease discrimination and exploitation in disaster and pandemics to those already vulnerable due to their social and economic status. FEDO’s partnership approach with local government will complement gender and inclusion sensitive disaster policy and management at local levels. Its advocacy and actions draw attention of humanitarian actors and donors making them accountable to Dalit women and most vulnerable groups. These all will finally create a conducive environment to secure equitable access of Dalit women and vulnerable groups in humanitarian assistances and protection services promoting gender equality and building more resilience communities.

Key Interventions:

  1. Coordinate/support for gender responsive humanitarian reliefs to disaster/pandemic affected families
  2. Support to reduce post Covid-19 economic hardship of Dalit and marginalized families.
  3. Aware and prepare Dalit women about cash transfer system in disaster responses
  4. Gender and inclusion monitoring on humanitarian responses
  5. Advocacy for inclusive disaster risk reduction and management at local levels.
  6. Advocacy and partnership with local governments for disaster preparedness and resilience among highly vulnerable groups.

Key Success Indicators:

  • People receiving FEDO coordinated relief packages
  • Vulnerable aware of/prepared to access cash transfers
  • FEDO team capacitated on gender &inclusion monitoring
  • Covid-19 impacted families overcome survival hardship
  • Advocacy carried out on gender responsive DRRM

Three Decades of FEDO Nepal Journey

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Women Empowered
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Entrepreneurs Raised
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FEDO Nepal is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of women from marginalized and backward dalit communities in Nepal. We believe that every woman deserves a chance to pursue her dreams and achieve her full potential.

We need your support to continue our mission and reach more women in need. By making a small donation of money per month, you can help us make a lasting difference in the lives of these women and their families. Your donation will be used to fund our programs and ensure their quality and sustainability.

Please join us in empowering women and transforming communities in Nepal. You can make a donation online through our website or contact us for more information. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

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Account Details

Bank Name: Nepal Mega Investment Bank Limited.

Branch: Pulchowk, Lalitpur

Account Name: Feminist Dalit Organization-T

Account No.: 00401010258081

Swift Code: NIBLNPKT

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